Welcome to HomeGauge Together 2020


Dax Hamman, CMO @ HomeGauge, introduces the conference and provides details on how it all works. We have close to 1,000 people joining this conference! Some of those people are HomeGauge customers, and some are not. This conference provides content for as many people as possible. Dax gives an overview of the various tracks and sessions during the conference.

Question & Answer:

  1. Will anything presented be available later? Yes, all of the sessions will be free and available for you.
  2. Do we have to rejoin every session? No, you do not.
  3. Will there be CE credits for these sessions? It depends on the state.
  4. Is extra care only designed for an American audience? Yes.
  5. What’s a CMO? It means I’m the marketing guy.
  6. How long have you been with HomeGauge? About a year.

In this Session:

[ 4:50 ] About the various tracks
[ 7:30 ] Practical advice for attending the conference
[ 10:00 ] Dax answers common questions

Links Mentioned: 

Dax Hamman on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daxhamman/

HomeGauge on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/homegauge/

HomeGauge: https://www.homegauge.com

View the Conference Schedule: https://resources.homegauge.com/together

Session Recording

Welcome to HomeGauge Together 2020

Presenter: Dax Hamman, CMO @ HomeGauge
